Mastering the Art of Making Big, Important Decisions: A Practical Guide

Whether it's a career change, a major life transition, or a significant financial commitment, making big, important decisions can be daunting and overwhelming. 

We go back and forth in our minds and weigh all the pros and cons and we eventually come to the point where a decision has to be made. 

So how do we make these big important decisions that can affect the trajectory of our whole lives? I want to share some strategies and insights that have helped me make those decisions with confidence and clarity. 

Define Your Values and Priorities:

Before making any decision, take the time to reflect on your core values and priorities. What matters most to you? Clarifying your values will provide a strong foundation for decision-making, ensuring that your choices align with your authentic self. Take some time, sit in a quiet place, and write these down in your journal. I like to do this a lot when I am making decisions. Starting with your values and priorities helps set the table for proper decision making.

Gather Information and Explore Options:

Do your research! Knowledge is power when it comes to decision-making. Research and gather as much information as possible about your options. Talk to experts, seek advice from trusted individuals, and explore different perspectives. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to make an informed choice.

Assess Risks and Rewards:

Big decisions often come with risks - often on both sides, and it's important to assess them objectively. Create a risk-reward analysis, weighing the potential gains against the potential drawbacks. By considering the potential consequences, you can make a more balanced decision that aligns with your tolerance for risk.

I’ll often ask myself “what is the absolute worst thing that can happen in each scenario?” By acknowledging these, facing these, and being okay with the absolute worst thing, you will be able to walk into your final decision with more confidence.

Seek Support and Input:

Don't hesitate to reach out for support during the decision-making process. Discuss your options with trusted friends, family, or mentors. Their input and perspective can provide valuable insights and help you gain new perspectives that you may not have considered. But be careful with this one - I would only do this if you are truly trying to gather information and not let people make decisions for you. Different perspectives can be helpful but the decision ultimately has to be made by YOU!

Trust Your Intuition:

While data, analysis, and research are essential, don't discount the power of your intuition. Pay attention to how your body feels when you think about each option and listen to your inner voice. Sometimes, your intuition can provide valuable insights that rational thinking alone may not reveal. Trust yourself and allow your intuition to guide you.

 If you find yourself trying to decipher between your intuition and your own “monkey brain,” another practice that helps me is, you guessed it, JOURNALING. Whenever I have a big decision to make or we as a family have a big decision to make, I write it all out and ask God for guidance. So for example - I will write the whole situation down in detail and then write directly to God and ask what is of the highest good for myself and my family. Sometimes the guidance will start to flow to me and I ferociously write it down and sometimes it comes in more subtle ways. 

Embrace Uncertainty and Overcome Fear:

Making big decisions can be accompanied by fear and uncertainty. But being scared of the unknown shouldn’t be the decision maker for you. Acknowledge these emotions, but don't let them paralyze you. Embrace the unknown as an opportunity for growth and personal development. Remember, even if things don't go as planned, you have the ability to adapt and make adjustments along the way.

Make a Decision, Take Action, and Don’t Look Back:

After careful consideration, it's time to make a decision. Trust yourself and have confidence in the process you've undertaken. Once the decision is made, go forth with confidence, take action, and don’t look back!

Procrastination can lead to unnecessary stress and indecisiveness. Trust that you have made the best choice with the information you had at the time and move forward.

Learn and Adapt Along The Way:

Every decision we make offers valuable lessons, regardless of the outcome. Embrace the results, learn from them, and adjust your path if necessary. Remember that life is a continuous journey, and decisions are part of the ongoing process of growth and self-discovery.

Making big, important decisions is a skill that can be cultivated with practice and reflection. In fact, it’s necessary that we do!

By following these steps, you can approach decision-making with confidence and clarity. Trust yourself, stay true to your values, and embrace the opportunities that each decision presents. 

Remember, the choices you make today have the potential to shape your future and lead you closer to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you’d like to hear more detail on the techniques I use for making big decisions, the conversation continues over on my podcast.


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