Three Ways To Be More Present This Holiday Season

The best gift you can give is the gift of being present. As we all know, that can be extremely challenging during the holidays but in a time of phones, games, tablets, and all things electronics it’s more important than ever to prioritize this special time with each other. 

We won’t get this moment back. As with all moments, once this holiday is gone it’s gone forever. So let’s make it count. Let’s be present for the ones we love so we can create special memories. Let them know you truly see them and appreciate this moment in time with them.

Here are three easy things you can do to make this possible for yourself this year.

  1. Put the phone down. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing for the holidays. It doesn’t matter who has the perfectly coordinated family photo shoot. It doesn’t matter who got what presents. It doesn’t matter if their decorations, and cookies, and holiday parties look more festive than yours. What matters is what is right in front of you. And you will miss all of it if you spend the holiday with your head in your phone. Every time you feel yourself getting sucked into the black hole of comparison and social scrolling, immediately stop yourself and look at all of the blessings you have in front of you and choose to be there instead.

  2. Stop trying to please everyone. This is a tough one because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings over the holidays. But here’s the thing, you can’t please everyone. It’s impossible. It’ll never happen. Someone will always be disappointed. So instead choose only to do the things that make sense for you and your family. Choose only the things that bring you joy and happiness. Trying to do it all will only bring stress and overwhelm and that’s no fun for anybody. Keep it simple and those that truly love you will understand if you can’t make it to their gathering.

  3. Breathe. It sounds so simple but it’s so important. When you start feeling stressed and overwhelmed, step away somewhere quiet and take some deep breaths. Clear your mind and remind yourself that holidays are supposed to be fun. This is a time to make wonderful memories. Take as long as you need to gather yourself and re-center, then get back to it. Do this as many times as you need to keep the joy alive this year!

The truth is, it’s going to be okay. Things don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to attend everything you are invited to. This is a time to year to celebrate the blessings you already have and to show your family you love them by being present to enjoy each moment with them. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. 

Enjoy each moment. Be in the moment. And feel the joy that comes with it.

If you’d like a deeper discussion on how to be more present this holiday season and tips on how to make the holidays more meaningful, I invite you over to the following episodes of my podcast A Meaningful Life:

Making Holidays More Meaningful

The Gift Of Time And How To Make the Most Of It

Happy holidays to you and yours.


Capture the Magic: How a Holiday Journal Can Make Your Season More Intentional